CEO Message

Since 1994, Woosim has gotten over number of difficult situations and now we’re eventually called as the largest No. 1 mobile printer manufacturer in Korea. We have led the field of “Mobile printer”, taking credit for our high-technical skills in the world in the meantime we have tried our best to invest in technology and research developments for complete customer satisfaction.
Since we developed the first subcompact-mobile printer, we now have a wide variety of printers such as mobile, compact panel, POS, kiosk printers and our own mechanisms with the originative-core technology ourselves. We export our printers to abroad over 80 countries and provide for rapid changes of the international situation.
Customer service is our No.1 priority. We have a 3 day turnaround target for warranty repairs. Also Woosim's competitiveness comes from the result of continuous R&D and well-planned investments. We closely analyze the market situation in the world, and the industry by concentrating on the development of eco-friendly and customer-oriented printers featuring innovative technologies. At Woosim and with Woosim, there will be a lot of great possibilities.
Thank you.

Woosim Systems Inc.

CEO Message CEO Message Reviewed by Woosim Systems Inc. on August 29, 2017 Rating: 5

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